Monday, May 14, 2007


Fan Boys Don’t Like ‘Spider-Man 3’ and First, Best Film of 2007: ‘Away From Her’

Musings in Rewind: Blogosphere, did you miss me?

The joking rule of thumb I tell friends is like most journalists, I blog between deadlines; tossing out musing that are slightly different from my assignments. With a Grand Canyon-like gap of dead blog space behind me, I must add new criteria to my blogging rulebook: I also blog around college thesis papers. To those on the blogosphere who even noticed that Flyover Online has been dark for many weeks, I thank you for missing my musings. But my thesis is complete and ready for defense, so I promise to blog daily. If anyone is interested in hearing more about John Dewey’s “New Individualism” and how it provides a home for Auteur Film Theory, by all means, drop me a message. Without coaxing, I promise not to bore people with my newfound passion for Dewey’s book “Individualism Old and New.”
On the subject of movies, since we’re closing in on the midway point of 2007, I’d like to make two quick comments. “Spider-Man 3” may continue to be the box-office kingpin, earning another $60 million in U.S. theaters over the weekend. Still, I feel confident saying that true fan boys, those comic book lovers who can effortlessly rattle off Peter Parker facts, don’t like the film.
On the flip side of cinema, I’d like to state my first contender for best film of the year honors, actor-turned-filmmaker Sarah Polley’s tearful melodrama “Away From Her,” starring Julie Christie (pictured, left) as an elderly wife dealing with a crippling illness. “Away From Her” gets better each time I watch it and while I have always admired Polley as an actor, I can’t begin to say enough about her as a director. Actually, I will say more, but at a later time. Now, back to work.

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